Jinx swings Pow-Pow in an wide 3/4 circle arc from ground to above her, launching the opponent hit high upwards and away. Jinx is seen with the same two of the weapons from her arsenal as she is in League of Legends - her minigun Pow-Pow, and her rocket launcher Fishbones. No meter resembling it was shown in the footage where this was seen. Perhaps an anti-juggling mechanic just as Rising Thunder has, or a mechanic similar to Rising Thunder's Kinetic Defense, a mechanic that was limited by a meter that allowed the opponent to escape combos or any hit-stun manually. Katarina is seen falling swiftly downwards and glowing white after being juggled by projectiles. Based on Apprehend ( 2 LoR), seemingly a Command Grab or Hitgrab, Darius reaches up with his axe, and slams his opponent to the ground. Darius swings his axe in an arc upwards. A move based on Orb of Deception, where she fires a blast of blue energy downwards and it runs along then rises off the ground. The champions seen to appear in the game so far are :Īhri does not seem to possess her Orb in her idle stance, unlike her appearances in League of Legends ( ) and Teamfight Tactics ( ), but better reflecting her canonical appearances. Champions may have unique abilities to fit the gameplay style. Not all champions from League of Legends will be in Project L. Ultimate and Tekken 7, especially due to stay-at-home orders and quarantines following the COVID-19 pandemic during the game's development time meaning that players could only play online for an extended amount of time. All of the games unveiled for the 10th Anniversary Event had the stated purpose of improving common issues the genres have, and in the case of fighters, poor netcode is a common complaint for many popular games such as Super Smash Bros. The company's previous fighting game, Rising Thunder made use of GGPO. The founders of Radiant are also the creators of GGPO.
There is a large body of supporting evidence: There is a lot of evidence that this game will have some form of high-quality netcode, likely GGPO or proprietary rollback netcode. Something similar was seen in the gameplay where this meter was seen, where Katarina fell towards the ground after being shot in the air by Jinx, but this could be a completely different mechanic in play. In Rising Thunder, when this counter was filled up, the player being juggled became invincible briefly and fell to the ground. This looks near identical to Rising Thunder's juggle counter, except without a number stating the maximum juggle.
When a character is being juggled (comboed in the air) in this game, there's a counter of how many consecutive hits occurred in the air, below the combo meter. It wouldn't be unlikely that this game has passive abilities as well. In footage seen, there is 4 bars in the same place as Rising Thunder's 3 Special move cooldowns + Super move cooldown, so this game might have the same inputs for its special moves, which would also reflect League of Legends' champion abilities - usually 3 basic abilities, and an ultimate ability. Gameplay This section is largely speculation from promotional media.